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How to Handle the "Side Effects" of Exercise

How to Handle the "Side Effects" of Exercise by Dr. LeiLani Vidal in Business Body Contouring

When it comes to the advantages of exercising, losing weight, getting toned muscles, and improving heart health are only the tip of the iceberg. Science has repeatedly demonstrated that the list is extensive, but it doesn't discuss the bothersome "side effects" that come with regular gym attendance.
We've compiled five annoying issues and solutions for them, whether you're just beginning your fitness adventure or have been working out for years:

1. Dirty laundry
While various exercises may have different effects on your body, they all cause your laundry to accumulate. Your sweaty garments are evidence of a job well done, but they must be properly disposed of or you'll end up with a smelly scenario.
Nobody enjoys mildew. After working out, instead of throwing your clothing in the laundry basket as usual, hang them up to dry if you're not planning to wash them right away.
Set the temperature to the hottest setting your cloth can tolerate if you intend to use the washer immediately away, which is the best approach to avoid stains and odors developing. Consider using a detergent made specifically for athletic clothing.
Pre-soak your sweaty clothes in a solution of one part vinegar to four parts water for 30 minutes if you're feeling ambitious and want to prevent stains from setting in. Just be aware that bleach and vinegar do not mix, so if your detergent contains bleach, rinse your equipment in cold water before washing.

2. Constant Hunger
Does an hour at the gym transform you into the Hungry Hungry Hippo in human form? Yes, even the finest of us will experience that. Your body will require extra food to balance out the increased calorie burn if the quantity or intensity of your workouts has increased. In order to satisfy your hunger on the way home, you should nourish your body with wholesome foods that will give you energy and keep you satisfied rather than stopping at the drive-through.
You're setting yourself up for a hungry day if dinner accounts for the majority of your calories. Researchers from Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem discovered that individuals who consumed a substantial breakfast had lower ghrelin levels than those who consumed a substantial dinner. The key lesson? Eat lunch like a prince, dinner like a poor, and breakfast like a king.

Because fiber slows digestion and increases feelings of fullness, it is the biggest adversary of hunger. Examine your current diet to identify where you might include more of this healthy food. Consider beans, fruits, vegetables, oats, and brown grains.

Make protein the main focus of your post-workout snack time to stave off hunger while also gaining muscle. Excellent choices include a Greek yogurt, a Greek-style smoothie, a bowl of mixed nuts, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, or a hard-boiled egg.

3. Regarding The Chafes Case     
On the treadmill, fabric rubbing against your skin causes friction, which in turn causes wetness, which gives you the oh-so-annoying (and painful!) side effect of chafing. Don't let the rash and redness stop you from working out the next time; they are not jokes.
When it comes to chafes, loose cotton clothing that gets wet and remains damp is frequently to blame. Replace your cotton apparel with form-fitting pieces made of moisture-wicking material.
Skip the short shorts to avoid chafing on the thighs. Put on longer capris, slacks, or shorts in the biker style.
Try anti-chaffing product if the issue still exists.

4. Your Body Needs More Recovery and Rest
Have you ever had the gym session of your life and woken up the next morning feeling lethargic? Welcome to muscle exhaustion. Our bodies are great machines, but they also need a little TLC once in a while to work at maximum potential. But don’t worry, relaxation and rehabilitation won’t take away from your fitness goals. When our muscle fibers rip (which happens following a strenuous workout), they actually recover stronger!
With a little assistance from your friend, the foam roller, you can ease painful muscles. Foam rolling is intended to remove the myofascial adhesions, sometimes known as "knots," that can form in our muscles as a result of overuse and exercise. 
Grab a package of frozen peas or a high-end gel ice pack to hasten the healing process. According to a research, placing a cold compress to painful muscles for 10 minutes lowered blood flow—a indication of inflammation—by 50%.
A good night's sleep also becomes a regular component of your schedule when you add exercise time. Lack of sleep has been linked in studies to decreased performance and slower healing. Your body will reward you if you ensure that you are receiving seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

5. Exercise-Induced Euphoria
Okay, you got us. Technically, this isn't a drawback of exercising. But one of the best outcomes deserves special note. You will feel like a post-workout rock star if you exercise. A healthy dose of self-assurance, a level mind, and the conviction that "I can accomplish anything!" " are just a few advantages of going to the gym.
Put your sneakers on. There is such a thing as "Runner's High." German researchers discovered that long runs flood the brain with endorphins. These endorphins boost your mood and increase degrees of happiness.
Exercise is wonderful for the body, but it is also healthy for the mind. Numerous studies have demonstrated how a sweat session can reduce feelings of anger, anxiety, and sadness.
One of the main objectives of exercisers may be sculpted muscles, but the exercise also boosts self-esteem. According to a Research in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, middle-aged women who kept up their physical activity levels rated their bodies as more beautiful.
Don't let these treatable "side effects" undermine your workout efforts. Dealing with the drawbacks of exercise is worth it because of its amazing benefits!

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