How to deal with negative online reviews for your body contouring company by Dr. LeiLani Vidal in Business Body Contouring
Being a small business owner, we feel like an extension of our company. We take pride in our work, so it hurts when we receive negative feedback like a poor review. And it's challenging to not personalize negative feedback. Your inclination may be to react incorrectly if you do take their actions personally. However, resist the need to be upset, enraged, or to dismiss them. Instead, heed this counsel. Here's how to deal with negative online reviews for your body shaping company.
Data and statistics about online reviews
· Almost nine out of ten (89%) customers look at reviews before deciding to buy from your company.
· The problem with a perfect review score is that customers do not believe evaluations that are only positive. Customers will be turned off and lose faith in your company if they believe that phony reviews or reviews that have been edited to remove negative feedback have been posted.
· Consumers claim to trust online evaluations just as much as personal recommendations 79% of the time.
· The most used online review site is Google. More than 60% of shoppers utilize it to read reviews.
· The majority of shoppers read several reviews. The average number of reviews individuals read before deciding whether or not to trust your business is four.
· Customers anticipate companies to reply to online evaluations within a week, but I recommend sooner than that.
Why do customers post negative reviews online?
It's not surprising that the majority of people who submit negative internet reviews do so because they are dissatisfied with some part of your company. It's crucial to sit back and consider this, as you can only prevent negative internet reviews if you comprehend why your customers leave them in the first place.
True, there are always those people who are dissatisfied with everything and complain, but usually speaking, customers post negative internet reviews because they are dissatisfied and believe it to be their only option.
It is possible to prevent negative online reviews...
Preventing negative internet reviews
1 Respond to complaints when they are made.
· Work to resolve complaints, conflicts, and concerns as they arise in real time, as soon as they are raised.
· While they are working for you or later, there may be a chance for dispute resolution.
· With better communication, a significant percentage of unfavorable evaluations may have been avoided.
· Therefore, respond to your clients right away, especially if they appear unhappy or perplexed.
2 Establish a method that will allow your customers to express any complaints right away following their service.
· Your system might have
· The front desk inquiring how their service was as per script
· A pre-written email sent right away after the client leaves asking them to rate their service and let you know if they have any complaints, and
· A call the day following the service to follow up.
· Your customer shouldn't feel the need to post a bad internet review if you can instantly clear up any uncertainty, disappointment, or discontent.
3 Act with decency, courtesy, and consideration.
Consider fundamental psychology. It's much more difficult to post an unfavorable online review about someone who has treated us incredibly well.
Be polite, helpful, and friendly even if you're not feeling the love for or from a particular client (some are harder than others!).
How to handle negative online reviews
1. Do not disregard a negative review.
2. Avoid being defensive in your response.
3. Avoid engaging in verbal combat online.
4. Avoid attempting to handle the grievance online.
How to properly handle negative online reviews
Even if your company goes above and above to provide excellent customer service, at some point it will receive a bad review.
However, you can find solace in the knowledge that the odd unfavorable review might work in your favor because, according to studies, customers are wary of companies that have only positive feedback.
So, how should negative online reviews be handled?
This is the approach we take:
Quickly react
...but not too soon. You must first take a deep breath. Spend some time thinking about what the review says. then give your reply some serious thought.
Prior to carefully crafting your response and pressing the send button, wait until the initial rush of adrenaline and beating heart has faded.
However, you shouldn't take too long to prepare and post your response.
Recognize the Complaint
In order to address a consumer issue, you must first "trust" the complainant. That is the key to handling a dissatisfied customer, whether she is still a regular customer or you are handling a negative online review.
Even if you disagree with your client's worries, you still need to pay attention to what she is saying. For instance, "We are sorry for and appreciate you voicing your worries." "We understand you thought that you didn't obtain the inch loss you expected."
Always offer an apology. even if you don't think your company did anything illegal. You can extend an apology for the feelings your reviewer is experiencing, one that does not imply guilt. Here's an example: "We sincerely apologize for your disappointment on the number of inches you lost."
There, we have been. We comprehend it's challenging to express regret to a difficult client who is being unreasonable, nasty to your employees, or utilizing the review as a way to acquire anything from you. However, it makes you appear more respectable and knowledgeable to potential customers who are reviewing your reviews and your company.
Encourage taking the conversation offline
Prevent any online back and forth. Your acknowledgement and apologies will usually be sufficient to end the conflict. The next thing you should do is get in touch with the client via phone, text, or email. When you take it offline, you can address the issue with your client directly.
Do something to address the complaint
The best course of action is to win back your client. Join her at the table. Thank her for bringing up her concerns and providing you the opportunity to make her happy.
So, attempt to cheer her up. DO NOT enquire as to what you can do to please her. Also, don't give a refund.
Delete negative Google reviews
Okay, let's get to what has undoubtedly been on your mind right now. That some negative online evaluations come from people who aren't even your clients.
We're referring about fake reviews that were published to damage the reputation of your company. It occurs. We have experienced it at our medical spa.
You ought to take action to get rid of it. Take these actions because your Google My Business page is where most of the reviews are located.
Mark it
Mark it for evaluation by Google
Talk to Google Support
If Google doesn't take anything to delete the review after you flagged it, get in touch with Google Support.
Ask for endorsements
Ask satisfied customers who haven't posted reviews to do so by getting in touch with them. Do not ask friends and family to leave reviews.
What you should know about negative online reviews
The advice given in negative reviews can be helpful. Consider using them to assess your company.
True, a single negative experience can be an aberration, but when it occurs repeatedly, a pattern emerges. And it could be time for you to act on the advice provided by those reviewers.
The finest business owners utilize complaints as a tool to enhance customer service.
You could also mention taking action in your online comments to your negative internet reviews. If it's suitable, you may add, "Based on your feedback, we've made improvements to our company." This not only demonstrates to your dissatisfied customer that you care about their concerns, but it also demonstrates to your dissatisfied customer that you have taken her complaints seriously and demonstrates to potential customers how much you value your customers and their contentment.