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How to assist clients in reducing "hip dips"

How to assist clients in reducing "hip dips"

Hip Dips. It is a term used to describe a condition brought on by an ordinary difference in the hip and pelvic bones. Although there is nothing pathological about "hip dips," clients cannot obtain an hourglass body shape if they have them, thus they are keen to get rid of them if they have them. They seek our assistance as experts in body shaping. Because of this, any person who practices body contouring must understand how to lessen hip dips. Therefore, we'll explain how to assist your clients in reducing hip dips in this post.

This blog will teach you
·How do hip dips appear?
·Why do hip dips occur?
·How to assist consumers in lessening hip dips
·Protocol for Reducing Hip Dips

What do hip dips appear to be?
·Hip dips are depressions on the exterior of the hip that are situated between the trochanter and the pelvic bone (the bony knob at the top of the femur)
·Whether viewed from the front or the back, the hips have a distinct dip. Violin Hips is another moniker for the ailment that may help you visualize it.
·For certain clients, the indentation or exaggeration of the indentation is caused by the skin being securely linked to the trochanter.
·And for the majority of clients, it's because of the skeletal anatomy—or actual anatomical structure—of the pelvic, hip, and thigh bones.
·The issue is not with fat. Often, the more severe the hip dips issue is, the less fat there is in the area.
Why do hip dips occur?

I. Skeletal Anatomy
The client's structural anatomy, specifically the skeletal architecture, is the main culprit of hip dips.

The relevant bones in the hip, thighs, and pelvis
·Illium- The largest bone in the hip is called the ilium, which makes up the upper portion of the hip and pelvis.
o On your physique, check it out. When you press your flank region, you can feel your ilium.

·Hip Joint- Where the femur (thigh bone) connects the ileum is the hip joint (hip bone). The femur head serves as the "ball" while the acetabulum, a portion of the pelvis, serves as the "socket" in this ball-and-socket joint.
o Your body’s hip joint is deep inside of you and is therefore impossible for you to see or feel.

·Trochanter- It is a bony notch at the top of the femur bone and is also referred to as the Greater Trochanter.
o Evaluate it on your physique. The trochanter, which feels like a bony protrusion or “knob” at your hips, should be visible if you stand up and touch the side of your hips. 

What skeletal arrangements involving the pelvic, hip, and thigh bones result in the Hip Dip condition?
1.Hips may droop as a result of a big trochanter.
2.A dip in the hips can result from a close proximity of the Illium and Trochanter.
3.Hip dips may arise if there is a greater space between the ilium and the hip socket.

It's crucial to remember that each of these skeletal anatomical differences is common.

And one thing we can't modify is the skeleton!
What can we adjust to assist customers in lessening hip dips if we can't alter the skeleton?

How body contouring experts can assist clients in minimizing hip dips
Hip dips can be less noticeable by developing and enlarging the muscular groups around the hips and buttocks.

I. Build more muscle by focusing on the glutes
Exercise the three main gluteal muscles.
·The three main muscles in the gluteal region are the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.
·The gluteus medius is the one of the three that is situated where hip dips are performed.
·But you should exercise all three muscles.

II. Exercises that use electromagnetic muscle stimulation (EMS) to build muscle
·Administer EMS treatments to the gluteal muscles.
·For the customer who leads a hectic lifestyle or is reluctant to exercise, i.e. "I just don't have time," EMS treatments are a perfect option.
·You can easily supplement your Hip Dip Reduction treatments with EMS, which is a simple, secure, and cost-effective procedure.

ADVICE: Were you considering recommending the customer lose weight? It's unlikely that lowering weight or hip-dip-area fat will be helpful. Hip dips are not a "issue with excess fat."

III. Butt Sculpt or Rump PlumperTM procedures to provide the buttocks to hip area a more "rounded" appearance
Treatments that concentrate on the buttocks may help your client achieve a more rounded "buttocks to hip" region. This can help customers lessen hip dips and may help in "filling in" the indentation caused by hip dips. 

-The non-surgical Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedures are known as Butt Sculpt..

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