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Tips for Eating and Exercise for a Mesomorph Body Type

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

Tips for Eating and Exercise for a Mesomorph Body Type

Despite your best efforts in the gym, are you not getting the desired results?

Do you follow a clean, diverse diet yet still struggle to meet your aesthetic objectives?

If "yes" to either of these questions was your response, you might be training and eating for a different body type than your own. It's better to start simple and understand your body type in order to achieve your fitness goals.

What Type Are You?

Different nutrition regimens and exercise techniques are needed for various body types. Mesomorphs, Endomorphs, and Ectomorphs are the three body types. The majority of persons have a combination of two body types, with one predominating. The mesomorph body type is the main topic of this essay
Mesomorphs are moderately framed, naturally muscular individuals with medium-sized bone structures. With larger shoulders and a narrower waist, they have good proportions and often have low body fat percentages. Mesomorphs are the ideal body types for bodybuilding since they are inherently powerful and can quickly shed or gain weight.

Goals for Fitness

Mesomorphs that want to gain muscle have a genetic advantage in achieving their objectives. To acquire a lean body, mesomorphs must concentrate on food and a comprehensive workout regimen because they are prone to weight gain.
While mesomorphs are naturally predisposed to bulk up, focusing on diet and exercise is crucial if you want to maintain a thin and lean body.


Due to their higher ratio of muscle mass to body fat, mesomorph body types have slightly higher calorie requirements than the others. Compared to fat, muscle weighs more and needs more calories to maintain its weight. All body types require carbohydrates, protein, and fat, although mesomorphs appear to benefit more from diets that are heavier in protein. Mesomorphs react better when their plates are divided into thirds, with one third protein, one third vegetable (or fruit), and one third whole grain (or healthy fats).
Every meal should contain a small amount of protein to aid in the growth and repair of muscles. Eggs (whole or white), chicken, turkey, salmon, beans, lentils, Greek yogurt, and protein powder are all excellent sources of protein.
Because the body needs glucose for both energy production and glycogen resynthesis after exercise, carbohydrates are equally necessary. Mesomorphs should vary their carbohydrate intake by including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains like oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice. These carbohydrate examples offer fiber to fill the stomach as well as antioxidants and phytochemicals to aid in the recovery of muscles damaged by exercise. Whenever possible, buy organic produce that is in season and is colorful, especially if it is one of the Dirty Dozen.
Because they include anti-inflammatory substances and work to increase satiety, healthy fats like those found in nuts, seeds, avocado, coconut oil, and olive oil complete a balanced diet.
When they stick to a diet that is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates and when they exercise frequently, people with mesomorphic body types can frequently lose weight quickly. However, if their diet comprises an excessive amount of calories from high-sugar meals, mesomorphs acquire weight just as quickly.

Training Exercise

Cardio Exercise

Consistent cardio workouts are necessary to maintain a lean physique for a mesomorph so as to prevent gaining too much fat. It should become a regular component of the workout program to include 30 to 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three to five times each week
Mesomorphs with lower body fat levels should only do cardio twice each week. Cardio interval training, also known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), is advised two to three times per week, along with one to two sessions of steady-state cardio, for the best results in reducing body fat. In interval training, periods of lighter effort are interspersed with short bursts of vigorous activity.
HIIT may burn more calories, but adding in some steady-state cardio or continuous aerobic exercise is less strenuous on the body and helps you avoid overtraining. While maintaining an increase in your aerobic base, it also lowers your chance of injury.

A 30-minute HIIT workout example
5-minute warm-up – moderate jog
8 intervals – 30-second sprints, followed by a two-minute recovery walk or slow jog
5-minute cool-down – walk and stretch

Strength Training

Mesomorphs have large, dense muscles, which naturally make them strong. The best way to promote muscle growth is to lift moderate to heavy weights five days a week with little rest in between sets.
For each muscle group, perform eight to twelve repetitions of three to four exercises. Each exercise should be performed a minimum of three times, with a 30- to 90-second break in between sets. Strength and stamina can be encouraged without growing muscular bulk by varying your weight-training regimen by utilizing more reps with smaller weights, incorporating body-weight exercises, and using techniques like super sets and circuit training.

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