7 teaching topics for your clients about weight loss or fat loss for body sculpting
You have a lot of teaching to do when your customer states she has to reduce weight in order to regain her hourglass form. Because merely observing the scales fall will not change the contour of her body. However, using non-invasive body sculpting to reduce fat in specific regions will. So how do you effectively explain the distinction between losing weight and losing fat for concerns about body shaping? We'll demonstrate this for you using seven straightforward teaching points.
Knowing the benefits of fat loss over weight loss for concerns about body contouring
Fat loss versus weight loss for body sculpting
#1 Are fat loss and weight loss the same thing?
Fat loss is different from weight loss. However, the majority of clients don't distinguish between fat loss and weight loss, and that's a problem.
Even doctors make mistakes sometimes. Most doctors urge their patients to "reduce weight" in order to improve their health even though the majority are aware of the difference. The excess fat that causes health issues is what they really mean when they say, "reduce the excess fat."
But they rarely inform the patient of the distinction.
The issue is that dropping weight on the scales might not necessarily mean shedding fat. Later, more on this.
Fat loss versus weight loss for body sculpting
#2 What are fat loss and weight loss?
Here is a straightforward contrast demonstrating why your clients want fat removal for body-shaping issues.
Loss of weight
Weight loss results from a general decrease in body weight brought on by the loss of muscle, water, bone, and fat.
When weight is reduced due to fat loss, the impacted fat cells get smaller (but remain in the body with the potential to increase in size again).
Fat cell count does not drop as a result of weight loss.
And which fat cells shrink are determined by genetics and gender.
Fat Loss
It is difficult to determine if weight loss is coming from fat, water, bone, or muscle, although fat loss might come from weight loss of fat.
Additionally, dieting typically results in a loss of water, muscle, and/or bone in addition to fat loss.
Fat loss results from non-invasive body reshaping procedures.
Non-invasive body contouring techniques produce fat loss without any possibility or risk of muscle, bone, or water loss.
Non-invasive body contouring techniques isolate and treat particular trouble spots.
Fat loss versus weight loss for body sculpting
How do we quantify fat loss and weight loss, respectively?
Loss of weight
Scales only display overall weight loss; they do not display fat loss. The scales give your client a number, but they are unable to reveal whether she dropped fat in her problem area, whether her clothing are fitting better, or whether she is beginning to take on the figure she wants.
Additionally, just though she notices a decrease in the weight on the scales does not necessarily indicate that she is losing fat.
Her loss of weight results in a decrease in her overall body weight or composition. In addition to losing fat, she also might be losing water, muscle, and/or bone.
Because of this, monitoring weight changes on the scales is not a valid indicator of fat reduction.
Alternative methods for determining loss of
Body Fat Percentage (BMI)
Waist Measurement
Ratio of Waist to Hip
ratio of waist to height
percentage of body fat
abdomen's sagittal diameter
ADVICE: Fat calipers are frequently employed to gauge fat loss. It's crucial to remember that the researchers did not think fat calipers were adequate methods to quantify fat loss, and they did not even make their list of possible techniques. Use fat calipers, do you?
What is the most effective approach to monitor fat reduction from a weight loss program?
The easiest technique to monitor how much fat you have shed while dieting is to chart your weight reduction using scales, pictures, and measurements.
the same technologies we employ to monitor the results of our non-invasive body reshaping procedures
Fat Loss
The effectiveness of non-invasive fat reduction procedures is assessed using a combination of
Photos taken at baseline and following the end of treatments should be used to quantify fat loss from fat reduction procedures.
Additionally, when using photos, serious consideration should
Keeping shadows out
Similar to this, several measures must to be made both before and after treatment. To accurately track the reduction in circumference, each measurement should be exact and consistent while using anatomical landmarks.
To guarantee stability, we track weight last. We need to know if there has been weight gain even though we are not seeking for weight loss. The measured and visual results of the treatments for fat reduction may be skewed by weight gain.
Fat loss versus weight loss for body sculpting
#4 What are the effects of weight loss and fat loss on the body?
Loss of weight
Fat makes up a very small portion of our overall body mass, often known as total body composition. Water, muscle, organs, bone, and fat make up our body. The majority of them are made of water, which makes up 60% of our body weight.
As a result, when your client sees the weight on the scales decrease, she is unsure of how much weight she has lost.
Additionally, experts concur that it is virtually impossible to reduce fat without simultaneously losing water, muscle, and other substances we do not want to lose.
ADVICE: It's typical for water weight to fluctuate day to day. We frequently witness individuals who are overjoyed to see a significant loss of weight just to have that same number (or more) reappear on the scales after a few days.
Fat Loss
Treatments for non-invasive body contouring fat removal have no effect on water, bone, or muscle mass. simply fat
According to the body contouring technology being employed, fat cells are either destroyed or injured, which causes fat loss and an inch loss in the targeted area.
The lymphatic system is impacted by non-invasive body contouring for fat removal, but not muscle, bone, or water mass.
Non-invasive fat reduction does not have an impact on water, bone, or muscle, but it does place an additional burden on the lymphatic system. In order to help our clients live healthy lifestyles, we should consider providing lymphatic booster treatments.