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10 Signs That You Should Lose Weight

10 Signs That You Should Lose Weight by Dr. LeiLani Vidal in Business Body Contouring

Sometimes you may not notice a gradual increase in weight since you are too busy. Or perhaps you simply don't want to consider it right now. Perhaps you have so much on your plate that you promise yourself you'll start exercising or eating well tomorrow. And then it happens: One day you wake up and you can hardly recognize yourself in the mirror. To eliminate any uncertainty, we've compiled a list of the top ten symptoms and indications that you need to lose weight.

You simply know. Whether or if you need to lose weight is probably something you know right now. We just need to be willing to be honest with ourselves since we frequently know the answers. Sure, it can be difficult to acknowledge weight increase, but by assessing your current situation and making the decision to start reducing weight, you can release a lot of stress and emotional baggage that you weren't even aware you were carrying.

You find working out difficult. It's time to lose weight if you don't want to go to the gym because you feel self-conscious about your extra weight or if exercising outside is too difficult for you because of your weight. Exercise may not always be seen as a solution if you are overweight. You can conquer any challenge you are up against, including obesity, leading a sedentary lifestyle, being unflexible, having poor cardiovascular fitness, or having weak muscles. Choose an activity to begin with, such as walking, chair exercises, or swimming. Just start.

Your doctor has informed you that you have borderline diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and/or both. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, excess fat, especially belly fat, can raise your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. The good news is that losing weight can put these figures back within a healthy range. According to the National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute, those who are less active have a nearly two-fold increased risk of developing heart disease. You can prevent the countless hazards related to these medical disorders by losing weight. (You might be able to avoid being prescribed medicine.)

You snore. Obstructive sleep apnea, a disease when your breathing periodically stops for 10 seconds or longer while you sleep, can occasionally be brought on by excess weight. A sign of sleep apnea can be a loud, gasping snore. Because of the disease, the blood's oxygen content decreases, which can cause nighttime awakenings in sleepers. Obesity and extra weight are the most common causes of obstructive sleep apnea. You might have sleep apnea if you generally feel fatigued and people say you snore excessively at night. If you lose weight, you might not need to consult a sleep doctor.

Each year, you gain a few pounds steadily. Do you consistently put on a few extra pounds every year? It's time to lose weight if it consistently increases rather than decreases.

Joint pain is present. Is the excess weight you are lugging around the cause of your back, hips, and knee pain? Weight gain strains joints and can weaken the tissue surrounding them, causing pain and making movement difficult.

You make excuses. Humans are quite skilled at putting denial and justifications on top of realities and anxieties. Your excuses may be a sign that it's time to make changes if you frequently explain to yourself or others why you are overweight, why you don't exercise, or why you detest healthy food. Give up the justifications and concentrate on improving your health instead.

Walking up stairs exhausts you. It may be a sign of weight gain if you experience dizzy climbing stairs or performing daily tasks. According to the National Institutes of Health, breathing capacity declines as weight increases. Breathlessness is a symptom of inactivity, which means your heart and lungs aren't getting the exercise they require to function at their best.

You observe that your clothing no longer fits. Oh, those beloved jeans you've owned for years. It's time if they suddenly don't fit or are too tight.

Your numbers are off. It's probably time to lose weight if your body mass index (BMI) is high and your waist is greater than 35 inches (measured just above your hip bones). You can use your BMI as a guide to determine whether you are overweight because it calculates your body fat percentage depending on your height and weight.

Do you display any of these indicators that you should reduce weight? Whether you exhibit a few or all of these symptoms, make the decision to take charge and start dieting so you may be the healthiest version of yourself for yourself, your family, and your life.

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